
服務單位/計劃名稱 電話 傳真 地址 開辦年份 主任 電郵
香港西區婦女福利會護養安老院 3156 2111 3156 1456 香港筲箕灣愛東邨愛善樓5樓501室 2003 褚潤佳
黃氏伉儷翠柳頤庭 2805 6673 2805 6556 九龍大角咀柳樹街18號2樓 2012 張天恩
名薈頤庭 2350 5200 2350 5618 新界沙田大圍美田路1號停車場層(部份)及停車場高層 (亦稱新界沙田大圍美田路1號大圍社會服務大樓2樓 (停車場高層)) 2014 林少華
朱壽祥護養院 2467 2200 2467 2020 九龍長沙灣道391號長沙灣 服務設施大樓3樓302室及4樓401室 2015 龍偉賢


TWGHs Tenancy Management for Senior-owner Occupiers

Tel: 9311 8266
Fax: 2803 2702
Address: M Floor, Shop 5, Hong Ning House,
Tung Fai Gardens, 17 Po Yan Street,
Sheung, Wan, HK.
Service Hour: Monday to Friday 9: 00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Website: http://tmso.tungwahcsd.org

[email protected]

Facebook: TMSO
District: Hong Kong

Service Scope

In order to generate more stable income for frail elderly to subsidize their late life medical and long term care expenses by releasing the potential values of their own property after they were admitted to nursing home facilities, Tung Wah first piloted the Tenancy Management Service for Senior Owner-occupiers, to help elderly persons to finance their own long term care expenses through social innovation.

The project aims at assisting the elderly people to renovate and rent out their own property to receive monthly rental incomes to support their long term care and late life expenses.

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