Elderly Services
- The 3rd Elderly Care Service Employee Awards (2016/2017)
- TWGHs “Live to Love” Life and Death Exposition
- TWGHs “Shine Your Life” Music Concert
- Opening Ceremony of TWGHs Jockey Club Sunshine Complex for the Elderly
- Film Gala of Documentary Film “Snuggle”
- “Opportunities for the Elderly Project for 2014-2016”
“Special Awards Projects”
TWGHs Wilson T.S. Wang District Elderly Community Centre
“Love & Traditional Games between Generations” - Spirit of Hong Kong Awards Winner – Mdm So Kam, Resident of TWGHs Lo Man Huen Home for the Elderly
- Unleash the Power of Age – TWGHs Media Lunch Party
- TWGHs conducted a Press Conference: “Effectiveness of a Cultural-specific Music Intervention in Managing Agitation among Elderly with Dementia in Hong Kong”
- It’s never too late to start your musical journey Tung Wah first-ever Ensemble for the retiree and elderly are now open for audition
- TWGHs Lo Wong Yuk Man Nursing Home cum Day Care Centre Opening Ceremony
- Kick-off Programme of “Dementia Friendly Everywhere!” – “Experiencing Dementia and Big Fun Walk”.
- TWGHs Endless Care Services for Elderly ─ Life X Carnival
- Naming Ceremony of TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Willow Lodge
- TWGHs Dementia Microfilm Premiere of “Treasure”