Fong Yun Wah Neighbourhood Elderly Centre

2695 0363
Fax: 2608 0713
Address: Wing B, G/F., Mei Chuen House, Mei Tin Estate, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T.
Service Hours: Monday to Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
(Close on Sunday and Public Holidays)
Email: [email protected]
District: Shatin


Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Fong Yun Wah Neighborhood Elderly Centre commenced service on 28 November 1989. In order to thank for the Chairman of Fong Shu Fook Tong Fundation cum the vice-chairman of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 1957 – 1958 Dr. Fong Yun Wah, SBS, MBE, JP by his generous donation with the amount of HK$200,000, we thereby named the centre as Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Fong Yun Wah Social Centre for the Elderly. Since 1 April 2003, it has upgraded to Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Fong Yun Wah Neighbourhood elderly centre to provide expanded functions and more comprehensive range of support services for elders and their carers.


  • To encourage elders to lead an active life, make good use of their leisure time and develop their full potentials, so as to actualize the spirit of "productive ageing".
  • To help elders resolve personal, family and other problem they encountered in daily life.
  • To provide community support services for elder carers.

Service Description

Health Promotion Activities

To enable elders to acquire new knowledge, develop good interpersonal relationship and maintain a physical and psychological well-being by organizing different health education programme , and social and recreational activities.


The leisure activities room is equipped with television and videos, magazines and newspapers, physical equipments, and computers etc.

Service Recipients

  • Elders, their carers and the community at large who are aged 60 or above.
FYWNEC 方潤華長者鄰舍中
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