Stephen Yow Mok Shing Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
The scope of services are as follows:
Educational and Developmental Programmes
To promote life-long learning among elders and to develop their potentials through the provision of a variety of courses especially on art activities and fitness exercise. Besides, elderly academy is established at primary or secondary school.
Health Education and Healthy Life-style Promotion Activities
To enable elders to acquire new knowledge, develop good interpersonal relationship and maintain a physical and psychological well-being by organizing health education programme. Besides, health clinic is set up with registered nurse's visit the centre regularly.
Volunteer Development
To promote the concept of "productive ageing" through recruiting and training senior volunteers, so as to develop the potentials and enhance self-esteem of the elders.
Carers Support Services
To provide support and services for carers so as to enhance their caring skills and to alleviate their stress.
Outreaching and Support Services to Hidden and Vulnerable Elders
To identify unmotivated and vulnerable elders through outreaching programmes, so as to encourage and assist them to develop their social life. Referral and supporting services are also provided to those in need.
Counselling Services
To provide counselling to the elders so as to resolve their emotional and interpersonal relationship problems, accommodation and financial difficulties.
Meal Service
To provide meal service including breakfasts, lunches, afternoon tea for the elders in need.
Social and Recreational Activities
To organize different activities such as birthday parties, visits, picnics and festival celebration activities to broaden their social life and to strengthen their social network.