Our Services >
Rehabilitation Services >
Community Support Services for Persons with Disabilities >
Lok Kwan Home Care Service
According to the Social Welfare Department’s fee charging standard, the service charges are as follows:
Category of services | Fee charging |
Personal care, escort service and home respite service Rehabilitation training service Nursing care (by health worker) Home visit by physiotherapist / occupational therapist Home visit by nurse |
$33 per hour
$33 per hour
$33 per session*
$52 per session*
$43 per session* |
The monthly ceiling charge | $1,002 |
*Each session of visit lasts for 45 minutes
# Those with financial difficulties may apply for financial assistance.
Application of Service
1. Referral from social workers of Integrated Family Service Centre, Medical Social Service, Special School, Integrated Home Care Service, Rehabilitation units or from District Board members; or
2. Self-application
Discharge of Service
1. Service users received subvented residential service; or
2. Service users has admitted to hospital for more than 3 months and have no discharge plan; or
3. Service users request termination of service; or
4. Death of service users; or
5. Changes in service users' disabilities, health condition, support networks, living environment that no support service is needed; or
6. Service users moved out of the serving district