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Rehabilitation Services >
Community Support Services for Persons with Disabilities >
Lok Yung District Support Centre (Islands)
Individual Training & Support
Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapists, Social workers and instructor will assess member's need and capability in self-care, work, social skills, home management and community living, in order to plan and render appropriate training at home, centre and in the community.
Individual /Group Care Service
Individual or group respite services are provided to alleviate carers' stress at time when they need as well as avoiding unnecessary risk and danger in leaving the PWDs alone.
Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy
Apart from home-based or centre-based treatment, therapists will also design aids/equipment and/or to give advice on home modification to facilitate independent living and community integration.
Developmental and Interest Group /Activity
Diversified interest groups and activities are organized to develop personal growth and potentials of the members.
Case Management Service
To provide case management service to users including conducting need assessment, formulation of case plan and rendering counselling service to users and their families and connect with community resources.
Day Respite Service
To provide support and temporary daytime relief for family members or carers of persons with disabilities who need to deal with sudden and emergent issue.
Clinical Psychology Service
Clinical psychology service is provided to members and their families for cases with challenging behavior or autism.
Carer/ Family Work
Meetings, talks, activities and trainings are organized periodically for carers/ relatives, so as to enhance experience sharing and facilitation of mutual support amongst carers.
Volunteer Work
Volunteer work includes training and matching of volunteers with members. Volunteer groups/programmes are organized join with schools and local organizations. Regular visits and phone calls are provide by volunteers.
Community Education
To cultivate an inclusive social environment, public education programmes with sharing and interaction are launched regularly in local community to promote understanding and acceptance of the PWDs.
Social Recreational Activities
Social and recreational activities are organized regularly to meet the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of members and carers, such as outdoor or indoor activities, like picnic, camping etc.
Drop in Service
Set up resource corner to provide information on community resources and drop in service.
Referral Service
Making referrals for users to other welfare service units, such as respite service, Day Care Service according to their needs.
Service Feature
We provide an one-stop and seamless community support service to people with disabilities and their families, so members can come to us for the variety of services provided.
Will work closely with local organizations and connect with different resource pool for members with an aim to nurture a loving and caring community.