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Rehabilitation Services >
Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centres and Workshop >
Wong Cho Tong Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Centre
(Included 30 persons of Work Extension Programme (WEP)
How to Apply
- Referrals can be made by school social workers, medical social workers, family caseworkers and staff of rehabilitation service units to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services, Social Welfare Department
- Referrers or applicants can also approach the service units for direct application
- Ex-service users who are falling back from the open employment market within 5 years after discharge can directly apply our service
How to Terminate
Service users can self-withdraw from our service due to personal reasons
The centre will terminate the service for those service users whom have sustained a job in the open market for 6 months, or the service can no longer meet their needs.
Our social worker would discuss with the service user, his/her family members and referrer/caseworker for the arrangement of appropriate services