Jockey Club Ngai Pok Hostel
Service Description
Residential and meal service
Counseling service
Daily living skills training
Health care service and therapeutic service
Social and recreational programmes
Family work
Physiotherapy and occupational therapy
Visiting Medical Practitioner (VMP)
Service Features
Home-like LivingA home-like environment and structure of living is provided to facilitate residents to develop a sense of belonging toward the hostel.
Client-centered ApproachA "Client-centered" approach is adopted so that the needs of the residents are fully considered, and hence can readily exercise their best potentials.
Active ParticipationOpportunities are provided to encourage residents and their family members to give feedback on our service. A number of committees have been introduced to gear this mission, which include "Residents' Sharing meeting", "SQS Advisory Committee", "OSH Advisory Committee", and "the Service Advisory Committee".
Integration with SocietyOpportunities and appropriate training are provided to residents so that they can integrate with the society. Through the "By Myself" empowerment project, residents can choose to take part in leisure activities in the community with their room-mates through mutual support.
Diversification in Personal DevelopmentA variety of interest groups are organized to let residents make good use of their leisure time, to nurture and develop their personal interest. The hostel frequently arrange drama team, musical band and lion dance group forming by the residents to perform in various organizations or art festivals. Self-confidence and self-actualization can be attained during their performance.
Residential Respite ServiceResidential respite service with its aims to provide family members/carers of people with mild to moderate grade intellectual disability a planned short break (not more than 14 days in a row) so that they may attend to their personal business; and to support families with immediate and emergency needs.