Employment Support Services (Shatin South)
The Social Welfare Department (SWD) has commissioned our centre to help implement the Integrated Employment Assistance Programme for Self-reliance(IEAPS)in South Shatin from January 2013 to 31 March 2015. Through the provision of a range of one-stop integrated employment assistance services with emphasis on family basis, the employable CSSA recipients are assisted to overcome work barriers, enhance their employability to find paid employment as soon as possible.
Ordinary employment assistance services
To provide employment assistance services to able-bodied CSSA recipients who are aged 15 to 59. Social workers will conduct interviews with the services recipients regularly, assist them to obtain up-to-date information on the labour market and help them develop personalized action plans to actively seek employment. Direct job matching will be arranged when suitable job vacancies are available. Post-employment support will be for at least 3 months to assist them to sustain employment.
Strengthened employment assistance services
To provide basic skills and skills upgrading training, employment counseling and Work Exposure (WE) Services according to the individual needs of each participant to enhance their employability and ability to sustain employment.
New Dawn Project Services
To provide employment assistance services to single parents and child carers on CSSA whose youngest child is aged 12 to 14. The services are designed to help them build up capacities for self-help, integrate into the community and move towards self-reliance through the regular interviews and skills training while continuing with family commitments.
Special Training and Enhancement Programme (MY STEP)
To provide self-confidence building and motivational training, employment counseling and job matching services to low-motivated CSSA recipients who are aged 15-29. Through various Motivational Strategies, the services will enable participants to experience success, build self-confidence and unveil their potentials. Job skills training and work attachment will then be provided to the participants in order to help them move towards self-reliance through engagement in paid employment.
In addition to wilderness adventure, disciplinary training, career development, image course and interviewing skills, the services will also provide job skills training (including Digital Video Editing and Production, Shop Assistant Training) to enhance participants’ ability and widen their horizon. Participants are also encouraged to build up healthy interests, such as Judo, music and drama.