Elderly Services
- How to apply for a place in TWGHs elderly homes?
- What kind of service does TWGHs provide to elders who would like to talk to social workers?
- What is the Plan-Ahead Funeral Services Programme of TWGHs? How can I register as member of the programme?
- Can I be taken care of till the end of life in TWGHs elderly homes ?
- What services are available in TWGHs residential homes for the elderly to help people with dementia?
- There is no immediate need for immediate admission to residential care home for the elderly now but I am worried that my health will gradually deteriorate. Should I apply for such in advance?
- What publication do Tung Wah have on elderly services?
- What kind of services do Tung Wah provide to carer?
- What kind of services do Tung Wah offer to frail elders?
- What kind of community services do Tung Wah organize to the elders?
- Q
- How to apply for a place in TWGHs elderly homes?
- A
Application procedure:
- Application form, guideline and homes location can be obtained from our centres or downloaded here. Please return the completed form to "6/F., TWGHs Wong Fung Ling Memorial Building, 12 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, HK" with "Application for Admission to TWGHs Elderly Homes" marked on the envelope. For enquiries, please call 2859-7620.
- Elders may also apply under SWD's quota for admission to our elderly homes. Please apply through social workers of district's Integrated Family Services Centres, Medical Social Services, District Elderly Community Centres, Neighbourhood Elderly Centres, or Integrated Home Care Services.
- Q
- What kind of service does TWGHs provide to elders who would like to talk to social workers?
- A
Our District Elderly Community Centres, Neighbourhood Elderly Centres, Enhanced Home and Community Care Services, Integrated Home Care Services and Day Care Centre for the Elderly provide counselling service to the elders. Through individual counseling, home visit or therapeutic groups, the elders are enabled to resolve emotional, interpersonal relationship, housing, financial and family problems.
Application procedure:
Interested parties may contact the respective centre direct or be referred by other NGOs for service enquiry and application.
- Q
- What is the Plan-Ahead Funeral Services Programme of TWGHs? How can I register as member of the programme?
- A
Tung Wah has implemented the Plan-Ahead Funeral Services Programme in all our elderly services units, services include:
- Funeral service talks and visits
- Documents preparation
- Photo taking
- "Endless Care" volunteers support service
- Consultation, counseling and referral services
Funeral Services at discount rate will be offered to elders participating in the Programme. A "Plan-Ahead Club" is also formed to provide updated information and connect members.
Application procedure:
Interested parties may contact the respective centre and our funeral parlours for service enquiry and application.
- Q
- Can I be taken care of till the end of life in TWGHs elderly homes ?
- A
TWGHs always strives to stay abreast of the changing needs of the residents in our elderly homes and gear our provision of holistic care to achieve their ageing in place through continuum of care. If the health condition of an elderly resident has changed to a state beyond our care level, we will try our best to make suitable referral or other arrangement so as to fit individual elder's needs.
- Q
- What services are available in TWGHs residential homes for the elderly to help people with dementia?
- A
A multi-disciplinary professional staff team comprises team of social workers, nurses, occupational therapists etc. work together to provide appropriate care and nursing services to our residents at different stages of dementia. Apart from helping to design a comfortable and convenient environment for our dementia residents, training sessions and treatment groups such as Reality Orientation group and Reminiscence group will also be conducted.
- Q
- There is no immediate need for immediate admission to residential care home for the elderly now but I am worried that my health will gradually deteriorate. Should I apply for such in advance?
- A
No, you do not need to apply in advance. Application for long term care services (including residential care services and community care services) is based on the actual health condition and service need of elders at time of application. Upon raising their request, elders will be arranged for a standardized care need assessment to ascertain their impairment level and service needs and hence eligibility for admission to elderly home.
- Q
- What publication do Tung Wah have on elderly services?
- A
We have the following publications on elderly services in recent years:
- 甘露集
- 簡短智能測驗自學錄影帶及應用手冊
- 「不倒翁計劃」資源手冊
- 『「中風急救-黃金一小時」預防中風小百科』小冊子
- 「穩步健行」活力教材集
- 『健康防「風」問與答』小冊子
- 長者敬師日特刊
- 長者住院服務需要研究報告
- 「健康骨質-優美人生」計劃 –「強化骨質有妙方」小冊子及
- 「強化骨質活力舞」光碟
- 「安老院舍生活錦囊」之精明消費篇;享受生活篇;服務評價篇
- 『識飲識食好快「落」』小冊子及光碟
- 「不褪色的故事」
- Q
- What kind of services do Tung Wah provide to carer?
- A
Our District Elderly Community Centres, Neighbourhood Elderly Centres, Enhanced Home and Community Care Services, Integrated Home Care Services and Day Care Centre for the Elderly provide a comprehensive package of community support services to assist the carers in helping their elders. These services include:
- Hotline service
- Carer education and skill training
- Consultation services from physiotherapist
- Counseling and referral services
- Mutual support groups
- Demonstration of rehabilitation equipment and borrowing services
- Book and audio aids borrowing services
- Recreational activities and groups
Application procedure:
Interested parties may contact the respective centre for service enquiry and application. Application can also be made by other NGOs.
- Q
- What kind of services do Tung Wah offer to frail elders?
- A
Our District Elderly Community Centres, Neighbourhood Elderly Centres, Enhanced Home and Community Care Services, Integrated Home Care Services and Day Care Centre for the Elderly provide comprehensive day care and community care services to the frail elders with the aim of enabling them to age at home in a familiar environment. These services include:
- Nursing care
- Personal care and home-making services
- Rehabilitation services
- Carer support services
- Recreational, supportive and recreational groups
- Environmental risk assessment and home modifications
- Transportation and escort service
- 24-hour emergency support
- Day and residential respite service
Application procedure:
Application can be made through Integrated Family Services Centres, Medical Social Service Units, District Elderly Community Centres and Neighbourhood Elderly Centres. Applicant should be assessed to be suitable for service through the Standardized Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services.
- Q
- What kind of community services do Tung Wah organize to the elders?
- A
Our District Elderly Community Centres and Neighbourhood Elderly Centres provide a comprehensive package of community services which enable elders to lead a healthy and active life; to further develop their potentials; to enhance the spirit of "productive ageing" and to promote mutual support among elders. These services include:
- Various health promotion, social, recreational, educational and developmental activities
- Volunteer participation and development
- Sustained learning activities Application procedure:
Interested parties may contact the respective centre for service enquiry and application. Application can also be referred by other NGOs.