Rehabilitation Services
- How could I apply for the rehabilitation services of TWGHs and How to select among various types of rehabilitation services?
- Is there any fee-charge for TW’s rehabilitation services? How much is the fee? If I cannot afford to pay, what should I do?
- How can the application be processed with priority?
- My family member is waiting for a placement in a hostel for mentally handicapped. Where can I get the information about the waiting list?
- Q
- How could I apply for the rehabilitation services of TWGHs and How to select among various types of rehabilitation services?
- A
For all residential rehabilitation services, applications should be made to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services (CRSRehab) for referral. You could seek assistance from the Integrated Family Service Centres at different districts or medical social workers of public hospitals. Social Worker would assess your needs and give professional advice.
For day rehabilitation services, direct applications are accepted by individual service, such as the Community Support Services, Social Enterprise etc. You are welcomed to browse the web page of our Rehabilitation Services Section for details (www.tungwahcsd.org). You may also seek assistance from Integrated Family Service Centres at different districts or the social workers of public hospitals.
- Q
- Is there any fee-charge for TW’s rehabilitation services? How much is the fee? If I cannot afford to pay, what should I do?
- A
Service user is required to pay for receiving rehabilitation services.
Currently, for subvented service in TW, the fee is charged in accordance to the standard set by the Social Welfare Department. Besides, other fees will also be collected as necessary and is subject to revision, such as charges for programme activities and miscellaneous items, etc.
If you encounter financial difficulties in paying the fee, you may approach medical social worker, family caseworker, and staff of Field Unit of Social Welfare Department or your respective rehabilitation unit to apply for financial assistance.
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- How can the application be processed with priority?
- A
Except Home-based Training and Support Service, all applications are referred form Social Welfare Department. Under normal circumstances, centres would process all applications according to the received date.
For those applicants who have no home, no family member to take care of or who are under unfavorable family conditions, they can apply for priority placement through the CRSRehab of SWD. Upon receipt of such referral from SWD, our Centre would accord priority in arranging admission.
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- My family member is waiting for a placement in a hostel for mentally handicapped. Where can I get the information about the waiting list?
- A
The Social Welfare Department used to disseminate information on the latest service provisions and the waiting list statistics at regular intervals to concerned service units of the SWD and the NGOs, from whom the public can obtain information whenever necessary. For information on individual application, the responsible caseworker can contact the SWD on behalf of the applicant. The SWD would only answer enquiries from the responsible caseworker after verification of relevant particulars.